March 27, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest
Business Services New Payroll Alpha Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Emergency Lockdown Button When you engage the button for a secure or lockdown drill, there is a two step process to unlock it. On site you will disengage the button and then the other part is done on the computer side by Craig Roush or Micaela Mercer. After your drill is over, please reach out to either of them to let them know the drill is complete and the button has been disengaged. They will log in to complete the final step so your door unlocks. If neither of them can be reached, please contact Rachael Peck. Educational Services 6-8 Math: IXL Snapshot Diagnostic Has a New Name IXL is constantly adding new features and updating their platform. One of their latest updates is changing the name of the Real Time Diagnostic in Snapshot mode to Flex Diagnostic in Benchmark mode. Their reason for the change is that Flex D...