
March 27, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services New Payroll Alpha Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Emergency Lockdown Button When you engage the button for a secure or lockdown drill, there is a two step process to unlock it. On site you will disengage the button and then the other part is done on the computer side by Craig Roush or Micaela Mercer. After your drill is over, please reach out to either of them to let them know the drill is complete and the button has been disengaged. They will log in to complete the final step so your door unlocks. If neither of them can be reached, please contact Rachael Peck. Educational Services 6-8 Math: IXL Snapshot Diagnostic Has a New Name IXL is constantly adding new features and updating their platform. One of their latest updates is changing the name of the Real Time Diagnostic in Snapshot mode to Flex Diagnostic in Benchmark mode. Their reason for the change is that Flex D...

March 20, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services New Payroll Alpha Split  Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Levy G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Educational Services 2-5 Additional Lexia Licenses If you have purchased additional Lexia licenses for your site, please be aware that all Lexia licenses will expire on June 30, 2025. Unused licenses will not carry over into the next year. Contact: Kelly Yusim SPSA As you are working on your strategies for each of your goals, please remember to write them in a way that will be able to be progress monitored throughout the year in order to evaluate the effectiveness. You can refer to the leadership slides on February 5th for examples. The goals and strategies need to be reviewed by your coach by April 11th. Comprehensive needs assessment is due in DTS by April 11th. Please email if it’s completed before then for review. Contact: Rachael Peck 3/19 Leadership Meeting Recap Topics Covered Personnel - TK Form, Internal Hi...

March 13, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services Payroll Alpha Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Communications Share Your School's Good News You can now use the News Submission Form to easily request assistance from the Communication Team with sharing your school’s good news! If you have a unique event coming up, an interesting story to share, or if there’s a member of your community who you think deserves to be highlighted, submit a request to be considered for the following: Multimedia coverage (photo/video) Publication on district social media Assistance with news media outreach Contact: Sydney Roll Educational Services Reunification Reunification cards are currently being processed for all sites and will be sent your way as soon as they are completed. Coming from Document Works will be English and Spanish cards to keep with your reunification items if ever needed for an on-site reunification. We are working ...

March 6, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services New Payroll Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Contact: Dawn Mercer Educational Services IXL Teacher Guide Here is a guide that can help support teachers in their next steps using their IXL licenses. If you have a PLC that needs extra support, please let me know. I would be happy to visit your site to work with your teachers on this. Contact: Lisa Wegsteen 3/5 Leadership Meeting Recap Topics Covered Personnel - Projections and Hiring Timeline, Projections Sheet, Classified Hiring Reminders Ed Services - DTM Review, Student Climate Survey, Accessing Teacher Classwize Portal, EL and RFEP Spring Progress Monitoring, Steve Dunn, Lockdown Button, Prayer on Campus Middle School Only - ELD - Best Practices for Scheduling, Articulation Example, PLC Pacing Guides, April 21st PD, Grade Bump, Priority Windows Administrator Action Items Slide 14: Please share ensure that all 4-8 gr...

February 27, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services New Payroll Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Door Locking System If doors need to be locked before the scheduled time, please contact Micaela Mercer to let her know. An example of when this may be needed would be when the office closes early for a clerical meeting. Please do not use your keys to lock the door as some of them cause the door mechanism to break. Educational Services EL & RFEP Progress Monitoring This is just a reminder that spring EL and RFEP Progress Monitoring will begin next week. This means that EL Site Leaders will be asking principals for 10-15 minutes of a March staff meeting so they can present this topic to teachers. EL Site Leaders will discuss the forms and support teachers with completing these forms by 4/11. Contact: Jennie Ruvalcaba Right at School Elementary Principals: Please include this flyer from Right at School in an upcoming paren...

February 20, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Business Services New Payroll Alpha Split Effective March 1, 2025 the new Payroll alpha split is as follows: A-F: Kristen Desimone G-O: Kari Felkins P-Z: Erin Eason Contact: Dawn Mercer Educational Services Elementary Report Cards Please see the Educator Digest for additional information that was shared with teachers about report cards. The expectation is that Spanish report cards are printed for students and handed out to them. Spanish report cards do not have to be emailed home. To run a report to find students whose primary home language is Spanish, you can use the drop down menu in PowerSchool: Once you click on the grade level, then you would run a report. Additional information can be found utilizing the guide below on how clerical run report cards. Running Report Card Guide (includes video) Sites have two options for Spanish report cards. The first is clerical run the report cards and put in the teachers box. The pro of this is it is easier to run them all at once for clerica...

February 13, 2025 RCSD Leadership Digest

Communications Share Your School’s Good News You can now use the News Submission Form to easily request assistance from the Communication Team with sharing your school’s good news! If you have a unique event coming up, an interesting story to share, or if there’s a member of your community who you think deserves to be highlighted, submit a request to be considered for the following: Multimedia coverage (photo/video) Publication on district social media Assistance with news media outreach Contact: Sydney Roll Educational Services Flashlights Available in Media Center We have a very large quantity of flashlights in our Media Center, along with D batteries to power them. These would be great for your site’s safety backpacks. If you would like to order any number of flashlights and batteries for this, please let your LMS know to submit a request to Susie and the Media Center noting “school safety supplies”. Contact: Lisa Wegsteen February DELAC Meeting All DELAC representatives have been ...