
Showing posts from 2022

December 15, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

  12/14 Leadership Meeting Recap - Slide Deck  Topics Covered: Personnel - Leave Request Form, Probationary Status, Registration Updates, COVID Leave, TOSAs, APs, Frontline Educational Support Services - IA and LMS Professional Development Sessions  Ed Services - SWIS Behavior Data           CAASPP/ELPAC Resources, Supports and Accommodations Elementary Only - Right at School and Adventure Club Middle School Only - Communication to staff regarding major referrals, Linewize alert protocol, Essential Standards for ELA and Math   Administrator Action Items -Share IA & LMS Professional Development plan with staff before winter break -Update items in SARC by December 16th - SARC Checklist -Safety Plans approved and in DTS by January 18th - let Rachael know when it is ready for review -Enjoy your last week with your kids and staff! -Have a restful break! Raptor Some staff throughout the district have received alerts about drills for Roseville District Administrative.  This building wa

December 8, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Translation Add-On for Google Slides & Resources for Newcomer English Learners Th e Translate My Slide add-on is an approved add-on for Google Slides that can be used to translate individual slides or complete slide presentations.  Here is a 1-Minute Screencastify showing how to install the Translate My Slide add-on. This information has been added to the other translation resources that can be found on the Supporting Newcomers in RCSD Document .  Contact: Jennie Ruvalcaba Safety Plans  Don’t forget that the safety plans need to be completed, approved and in DTS by January 18th.  If you are finished before then, please let me know.  As you are working on them, please use the Safety Plan Checklist and reference slides 15-17 from the November 9th Leadership Meeting .  Reach out if you have any questions.  Contact: Rachael Peck  Wellness Committee (repeat from 11/10/22) The Wellness Committee is looking to have a Liaison at each school site and department. The Liaison’s responsibi

December 2, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

12/06/22 DELAC Meeting All DELAC representatives have been invited to our next DELAC meeting, which is scheduled for Dece mber 6th at 5:00. If you find a DELAC representative at any point throughout the year, please add their information to the 2022-2023 DELAC Site Representative Form and I will reach out. If you would like to join the next DELAC meeting, please click HERE on 12/6 at 5:00. Many thanks. Contact: Jennie Ruvalcaba EL & ELD Information: RFEP Monitoring Forms  Regular monitoring of students who have been reclassified from English Learner (EL) status to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) is one way to support the continued language growth in our students. Official documentation of this monitoring is a state requirement and must be completed twice per year, for any students who have been reclassified within the last 4 years.  All RFEP monitoring documentation will be completed in our Ellevation platform. Teachers with students who have been reclassified within the last 4

November 17, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Safety Information Emergency Protocols Please ensure that all staff know the emergency guidelines, including how they are notified, what they need to do, and when drills are scheduled. Specifically, please make sure you are connecting with your food services staff, cook, and cashier, in order to make sure they know the guidelines. Contact: Rachael Peck i-Ready Window 2 i-Ready Window 2 will be from December 12th-January 27th. Please work with your site/PLC to decide when to  administer the assessment. Please use the following resources to support students with goal setting.  i-Ready Data Chats and Goal Setting Trackers 2022-2023 RCSD Assessment Calendar Contact: Kelly Yusim RCSD Parent Education Night- 1 Pill Can Kill Presentation The information below will be sent to all parents on 11/17/22. Contact: Brandon Blom Hello RCSD Families, Please join us for an informational session to raise awareness about fentanyl poisoning, hosted by the Placer County District Attorney's Office. When

November 10, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Report Card Reminder Please put your report cards in your site folder. Every principal should have access to this folder and can share with clerical. It is important to do this every trimester. Contact: Brandon Blom Behavior Resources Needs Please fill this form to indicate the behavior resources that are needed for your site.  These were shared at the PD on 10/31 or 11/1 and we want to be sure that everyone has the materials needed to run successful PBIS Tier 2 meetings as well as SSP meetings.  Please submit 1 response per site.   Contact: Julie Murdaugh Fire Drill Report Update The Fire Department confirmed that they do want the monthly fire drill report .  The bottom of form has been updated to state where to send it.  Contact: Rachael Peck Wellness Committee  The Wellness Committee is looking to have a Liaison at each school site and department. The Liaison’s responsibilities will be to ensure that Wellness information is being communicated to all staff at your site/dept. We will

November 3, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Report Card Reminder Please make sure you have communicated with your staff on the timeline for report cards.   Generating Report Card Guide SwiftReach | Using PDF Builder to email Report Cards | Updated 2021 One update if you are emailing out report cards. You can have the system put the student's first name in the subject line but using the following subject line: 1st Trimester Elementary Report Card for [firstname/] If a student's first name is Ella, parents would then see this as the subject line: 1st Trimester Elementary Report Card for Ella If you have questions, please reach out to the following people: Angela- TK Jennie- Kaseberg, Woodbridge, Blue Oaks, Riego Creek, Junction, Brown Kelly- Cirby, Fiddy, Gates, Stoneridge, Thomas Jefferson, Spanger Joe Clark- RVA, Middle School, Sargeant, Diamond Creek, Crestmont, Orchard Ranch Zoom Student Accounts With our successful transition to full-time in-person instruction, Technology Services is seeing a spike in student-created

October 28, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Report Cards A reminder that next Wednesday is PLC prep for Report Cards. Please make sure you have made clear to your staff the dates they will get a preview and when final report cards are due for your site. For elementary, please make it clear if you are printing, emailing, or both. Also, report cards can go home at parent-teacher conferences or send home ahead of time, that is a site decision. For middle schools, sites will run the final report cards by the morning of 11/10, and the District will combine the files and email it out. Put it in your site folder, and email Joe Clark and Brandon Blom.  Generating Report Card Guide SwiftReach | Using PDF Builder to email Report Cards | Updated 2021 One update if you are emailing out report cards. You can have the system put the student's first name in the subject line but using the following subject line: 1st Trimester Elementary Report Card for [firstname/] If a student's first name is Ella, parents would then see this as the s

October 20, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

  IMPORTANT SECURITY PATCH UPDATE FOR WINDOWS STAFF Starting this week, staff running Windows desktops and laptops will be prompted to restart their computers to install critical patch updates automatically. When prompted and before you leave for the day, please click 'OK' and reboot your computer to minimize downtime. These updates are needed on all clerical, administrators, and other staff running Windows computers.   Updates should be installed after hours, and your computer will be ready when you return in the morning. Raptor Check-In - Clerical Update  Parents/Guardians attending a field trip should be signed into Raptor and given a visitor badge to help with identification on the trip. Site clerical should keep a list of the parents on the field trip in order to account for them in Raptor in case an emergency occurs on site.  The Raptor Procedural Guide has been updated to include this information.  Contact: Rachael Peck Safety Drills As a reminder, there is no Google F