September 6, 2019 RCSD Leadership Blog

9/13 Site PD Day
Principals - For the 9/13 site PD day, please reach out to the Education Support Services staff assigned to your site to discuss the agenda for the day and how you would like them to participate. There is not a separate training that day so that they can participate in the learning at your school sites.

Elementary Principals- One item to consider having your teachers work on is their essential standards plan for ELA for trimester 2 and 3. Remember we will be sharing site grade level plans at our leadership meeting on November 12th. Please reach out to Amy or Melissa for assistance. We are happy to help.
Buljan cross country team ready for their first meet
Administrators: Interested in seeing Guided Language Acquisition and Design (GLAD) in action? You are invited to stop by during the week of 9/9-9/12 at Woodbridge to see GLAD demonstration lessons. The lessons will be from 8:50-12:00. You are more than welcome to visit during any part of the week. Let Amy know if you are interested in seeing what GLAD is all about.
Working on fractions at Junction

CapCUE TechFest Date Changed
Techfest has been moved from September 14th to February 8th. If you already paid you will be refunded.

K-5th general education New Teacher Required ELA Training: Monday, Sept 16th
All new K-5th general educator teachers are required to attend the following training.  We will cover a broad overview of our ELA curriculum and discuss best practices for implementation.  Location and time below. 
Location:  District Office (1050 Main Street)
Time:  4:00-5:30
3rd-grade teachers collaborating during writing PD
Elementary AFG
Here is the presentation link from Tuesday's Leadership. Here is the Who, What, When, Where, and Why of the AFG Committee. Brandon will email principals on Wednesday if their site has not had someone apply yet.  Applications are due by noon on Friday, September 13th.  Here is the AFG Rep Application form.


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