August 17, 2020 RCSD Leadership Blog

Additional Admin Accounts
Thank you to those that added additional Admin accounts on the Google Form last week.  Today (Monday) around 8:30am, your staff member will get an email with their user name and password.  We are still updating the information if they are at multiple sites.  Example, if a Psych is at Diamond Creek and Stoneridge, for today it might say only Diamond Creek right now, but that should be updated by the end of the day.  If that information is still incorrect by tomorrow please email Brandon and he will update it.  

Two Videos to Help When Using Otus Admin Accounts
This video gives an overview of where to find student data in an admin account.  The video is included in the email to the new admin accounts, and the beginning of the video would be helpful for secretaries as well if they need to know where to find a student's Otus ID for a new student or a family that forgot their Otus ID.

Please view the video below to see how you can access lessons from Otus, I know a lot of principals were asking how they could see lessons from their teachers.  You would follow this same process to see assessments in Otus.

"Pin" the Zoom link in Class Board
Otus released an update this weekend.  One of the updated features is the ability for teachers to "Pin" a Class Board post. We are teachers asking that whatever announcement they want to pin, that it includes the Zoom link or calendar to the Zoom link for that class.  This will make it much easier for admin, co-teachers, parents, and students, to always know where they can find the Zoom link.  If they posted it in Bookshelf or used a calendar that is great, but when we do training with families, we are going to tell them that no matter where they can find the link in the Pinned Class Board post.  To pin a post they create a post (or find a previous one), click on the far right (3 dots), and then press Pin.

Previous Teachers Showing
While we did not use Otus in 2019-2020, some teacher data appeared from school sites.  This had to do with Otus not archiving 2019-2020 teachers before we rolled over to 2020-2021.  We will have a better process in place next year so hopefully this does not happen again next year.

With that said, you can help us clean up data that we do not need.  If you can please click on your site and look to see which teachers  (or other staff) were in your building last year, but have moved to another site or retired, we can take care of making those adjustments. The teacher names should not impact anything but we would rather have correct data in the system.
Here is the document to fill out those names.  Please fill it out by end of this week, Friday, and we will get it cleaned up.

Time to Make a Copy
We stated the reason in the blog why "Make a Copy" was taking so long, if you would like more information please read the 8/17 RCSD Educator Blog post.  There was a change made Thursday late afternoon.  Below is the average time it took to make a copy from last week.  It is only one day of data but a lot more promising than early in the week.

Monday, 8/10: 1,320 with an average of 19.03 minutes
Tuesday, 8/11: 1,668 with an average of 71.85 minutes
Wednesday, 8/12: 2,620 with an average of 82.72 minutes
Thursday, 8/13: 3,397 with an average of 84.57 minutes
Friday, 8/14: 3,701 with an average of 5.81 minutes

SSP Facilitator Form
Please fill out this form with your SSP facilitator names and PBIS lead’s name by Friday, August 21st.  Julie Murdaugh will work on updating all grade levels and information in the SSP site folders.  She will also communicate with the SSP facilitators (new or returning) as we move through the first part of this school year.  Thank you if you’ve already filled it out. 

Lost, Stolen, and Damage Support
There appears to be some confusion having a form for "Parent Technology Support", and a separate form for "Lost, Stolen, and Damage" so we've consolidated both forms into one. 

Internally, our process does not change, we're simply consolidating the two forms to simplify the process for our families requesting support.

Please request families complete the Parent Technology Support form using the below links (previously shared), and select "District Provided - Mobile Device Lost, Stolen, Damage Support" to report any Lost, Stolen, or Damage.


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