November 8, 2019 RCSD Leadership Blog

Leadership Agenda
Working on essential standards for middle school math.
Safety Plan Clarification
The plans are due to Meghan, approved and signed by your School Site or Safety Team no later than January 23, 2020, so they can be added to the Board agenda in time. It is recommended that you have your plan in its final draft before we head out to Winter Break.

Meghan will be at the work party on November 19th if you have any questions.

CAASPP Achievement Level Descriptors
Do you want to see what the CAASPP test is asking students to be able to do for Levels 2, 3 and 4?  Below are Math and ELA descriptors for grades 3-8.
CAASPP Achievement Level Descriptors
Learning from one another during choice sessions at the October 31st PD day.
MTSS Spotlight
When dealing with more serious behavior from students, it can be difficult to understand what is causing the behavior or how to deal with it. Here is a great article giving insight into the functions of behavior. It’s a quick read. Remember: there are educators at each school site with a strong understanding of functions of behavior. Contact your site administrator for additional help and/or names of individuals who can provide additional understanding/support.
Human Behavior and Its Functions
Sargeant and Diamont Creek staffs on a field trip to the Scholastic Warehouse to pick up books for each and every one of their students.
Helpful Math Resource
Here is a helpful Math resource that shows DOK levels for different types of math problems.
Math DOK Matrix
Derk speaking to AVID students at Buljan

Student-led conferences at Sargeant during Parent-Teacher Conference week.
Interesting Articles We Read
Why Struggle Is Essential for the Brain — and Our Lives- Ed Surge
Planning a Station Rotation for Your English Classroom- Catlin Tucker
From Performance to Learning: Assessing to Encourage Growth Mindsets- YouCubed . "The traditional forms of assessing students that have been used across the US for decades were designed in a less enlightened age, when it was believed that grades would motivate students. But grades are a summative measure – they give a record of where someone has reached at the end of a course or unit of work."


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