August 11, 2022 RCSD Leadership Blog

Congratulations on your first day of 2022-23!!!

PBIS Training Intent
Here is the link for PBIS trainings for this year. Please have this filled out by Friday, August 19th.
Contact: Julie Murdaugh

Safety Corner
Drill requirements have been entered into Raptor, so you can initiate them on the days/times you have scheduled. The way requirements and scheduling work, it may look like you have more than you need to do. For example, it’s noted that you have 3 lockdowns and 3 secure. This just means those are available for you to initiate if you want to. Per our leadership meeting, you need to have at least 2 lockdowns and 1 secure. If you have questions, please reach out.

Note: Elementary schools have it set where one evacuation drill shows up each month. If you need more at the beginning to practice at a meeting, please let me know, and I can add more.

Emergency Protocols
Some of you have discussed creating small reference sheets to place in the protective sleeve with your badge that can be referred to for the 5 actions. Here is a sample to use.

Emergency Alert Buttons (formerly called Panic Buttons)
As shared at leadership, Sonitrol will be able to add text and email alerts for when the Emergency Alert Button is used. Not only will this help if it’s accidentally pushed, but it also provides another safety alert measure to a threat on campus. Please complete this Google Form to identify the people on your campus who will receive the alert.
Contact: Rachael Peck

Ed Services Org Chart 22/23
Please see the Ed Services Organizational Chart below to help know who oversees which areas in Ed Services.
Covid Protocols
Unvaccinated/Unverified employees that have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days are not required to test weekly. All other unvaccinated/unverified staff should be testing and supervisors should be running a weekly Sql report to confirm.

School initiated student activities calendar (does not include PTC events) -
Publish for staff and have them select events to attend:
Contract: Article V, Item G, 2. a.) and b.)

New Certificated Employee Assistance and Training Checklist due 8/12
Please ensure that the principal initiates the form and that the employee's name is at the top of the form before routing it to new staff.

Initial ELPAC Testing
Initial ELPAC testing begins on 8/16/22. EL Site Leaders will be updated with specific schedules, testing requirements, and student lists. Please work with your EL Site leader to learn when our District ELPAC Examiners will be visiting your campus.
Contact: Jennie Ruvalcaba

2-5 i-Ready Instruction Subjects
Elementary Principals: Please click on the document below to review what subject of i-Ready instruction will be available to your grade levels. This document lists the subject that was purchased by the district and does not include any additional instruction/programs purchased by your site. All grade levels (2nd-8th) will still have access to the diagnostic assessments in both subjects, reading and math.
Contact: Kelly Yusim

8/1 Leadership Meeting Recap
Feedback from last year was that it would be great to be able to search the blog for items covered in Leadership. Here is the slide deck. A reminder to please make sure you look at the Administrator Actions on the slide deck. If this is not helpful, we will get feedback on the best way to help our principals find information.

8/1/22 Topics Covered:

Personnel - COVID Updates, New Employee Checklist

Safety - Emergency Alert Buttons, 911 Procedures, Safety Requirements and Communication

Technology - Chromebook Deployment, Zendesk

Ed Services - Second Step, Digital Citizenship, PD for 8/8 and 8/9, 21/22 CAASPP Data, English Learner- ELLevation, SSP, 2022-2023 PBIS Trainings, Nurse/Immunization Support, Elementary PD Cycles

Business -  Stipends

Elementary - Homeless/Foster Youth
This year sites without a counselor will not have a Homeless/Foster liaison. Instead of a liaison at your site, Naomi Blaine, our District Social Worker, will be working with you and your identified students. This works out perfectly as Naomi oversees the Homeless/Foster program in our district and works closely with community organizations to support needs that arise. Naomi will be reaching out to you in the next few weeks to set up a time to meet and review her role. Please reach out if you have any questions beforehand.
Contact: Rachael Peck

Otus Family Letters
The District will be emailing all families information about their child’s Otus ID and how to log onto Otus to view student information by the middle of next week.


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